Sunday, July 8, 2007

Whales: minkePods

Minke whales. Once were pods. Now are solitary stragglers of the sea. Singled out. One. By one. By one. Till one day, there will be none. This year, Japan announced its intention to redden our Southern Oceans with a grisly haul of 935 minke whales. 50 fin wales. And 50 humpbacks. With high-tech fragmentation harpoons equipped with grenades at the end of them. Truly, Japanese science's finest moment. Lend your voice to the chorus of outrage. Join Greenpeace and become and Ocean Defender . Together, we can pressurice countries, corporations and the UN to respect our oceans and those that live in it.

Limited edition minkePods now all the rage in Tokyo!

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